Photo by Mihai Moisa@unsplash


My first blog post, the start of my journey of documenting my thoughts and experiences.

I will keep this post short, beacause, after all, this is just the beginning of my blog and I hope words will come naturally in the future.

Beginning of what?

For a couple of years I’ve been freelancing as a full stack web developer and recently I also graduated from university with a bachelor’s degree in computer science.Now what? Of course I want to continue my work as a freelancer but I also started to look for a full-time job, with a more professional environment, where I can learn from others and grow as a developer. But when I was filling out my resume it came to me that I do not have a portfolio, a place where I can showcase my work, my projects, and my skills.

If you wanted a portfolio, why a blog?

I thought, why create just a portfolio when I can have them both in the same place? A blog where I can share my thoughts and experiences and a portfolio where I can showcase my work, my projects, and my skills, all available on one homepage.
The idea of having a place where I can share my thoughts and experiences has always been appealing to me but I never had the courage to start, I’ve always been afraid of what others might think, or that I might not have anything interesting to say. But I’ve come to realize that this is not the point of having a blog. The point is to document my journey, to share my experiences, and to learn from them.

Having this in mind, I’ve decided to create my own personal website, a place where I can share my thoughts, experiences, and projects with the world. I’m excited to see where this journey takes me, and I hope you’ll join me along the way.